121A.11Subd. 3.Pledge of Allegiance.

(a) All public and charter school students shall recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America one or more times each week. The recitation shall be conducted:

(1) by each individual classroom teacher or the teacher's surrogate; or

(2) over a school intercom system by a person designated by the school principal or other person having administrative control over the school.A local school board or a charter school board of directors may annually, by majority vote, waive this requirement.

(b) Any student or teacher may decline to participate in recitation of the pledge.

〔訳〕121A.11Subd. 3. 忠誠の宣誓

(a) 全公立学校またはチャータースクール生徒は、週一回もしくはそれ以上、米国国旗に向かい忠誠の宣誓を暗誦しなければならない。この暗誦は以下の通り行われねばならない。

(1) 各クラス担任かその代理によって、もしくは

(2) 校内の内線を使い、校長もしくは学校運営管理権をもつその他の人間によって指名された人間によって行われる。公立学校またはチャータースクールの理事会は、毎年行われる多数決に従い、この義務を実行しないことも可能である。

(b) どの生徒または教師も、忠誠の宣誓暗誦への参加を拒否することができる。

AS 14.03.130. Display of Flags and Pledge of Allegiance.

(b) A school district shall inform all affected persons at the school of their right not to participate in the pledge of allegiance. The exercise of the right not to participate in the pledge of allegiance may not be used to evaluate a student or employee or for any other purpose.

〔訳〕AS 14.03.130.国旗掲揚と忠誠の宣誓



20-7-133. Pledge of allegiance required -- exemption for students and teachers.

(4) A school district shall inform all students and teachers of their right to not participate in recitation of the pledge.Any student or teacher who, for any reason, objects to participating in the pledge exercise must be excused from participation. A student or teacher who declines to participate in the pledge may engage in any alternative form of conduct so long as that conduct does not materially or substantially disrupt the work or discipline of the school.

(5)If a student or teacher declines to participate in the recitation of the pledge pursuant to this section, a school district may not for evaluation purposes include any reference to the student's or teacher's not participating.




(c)Each county board shall:

(3)Require all students and teachers in charge to stand and face the flag and while standing give an approved salute and recite in unison the pledge of allegiance as follows: “I pledge(以下宣誓文言省略)”

(d)Any student or teacher who wishes to be excused from the requirements of subsection (c)(3) of this section shall be excused.


(3)全生徒と担任教師に対し、起立し国旗を向き立ったまま敬礼を行い、以下の忠誠の誓いを斉唱することを義務づけなければならない。“I pledge(以下宣誓文言省略)”


SEC. 37-13-6.

(2)Any student or teacher who objects to reciting the oath of allegiance shall be excused from participating without penalty.


6-16-108. Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

(2)(A) Provide that no student shall be compelled to recite the Pledge of Allegiance if the student or the student's parent or legal guardian objects to the student's participating in the exercise on religious, philosophical, or other grounds.

(B) Students who are exempt from reciting the Pledge of Allegiance under subdivision (2)(A) of this section shall be required to remain quietly standing or sitting at their desks while others recite the Pledge of Allegiance;

(3)(A) Provide that teachers or other school staff who have religious, philosophical, or other grounds for objecting are exempt from leading or participating in the exercise.

(B)If a teacher chooses not to lead the Pledge of Allegiance, the policy shall require that another suitable person shall be designated either by the teacher or principal to lead the lass;






§ 49-6-1001

(c)(1) At the time designated for the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, students shall stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance while facing the flag with their right hands over their hearts or in an appropriate salute if in uniform; provided, however,that no student shall be compelled to recite the Pledge of Allegiance if the student or the student's parent or legal guardian objects on religious, philosophical or other grounds to the student participating in such exercise. Students who are thus exempt from reciting the pledge of allegiance shall remain quietly standing or sitting at their desks while others recite the Pledge of Allegiance and shall make no display that disrupts or distracts others who are reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Teachers or other school staff who have religious,philosophical or other grounds for objecting are likewise exempt from leading or participating in the exercise. If a teacher chooses not to lead the Pledge, another suitable person shall be designated either by the teacher or principal to lead the class.


(c)(1)忠誠の宣誓暗誦のための指定された時間に、生徒は起立し、国旗を向いて右手を胸に当て、又は制服の場合は適当な敬礼を行いながら、忠誠の誓いを暗誦しなければならない。しかし、もし生徒やその親または法的後見人が、宗教や信条その他の理由でこのような行為への参加に反対する場合、どの生徒も忠誠の宣誓を強制されてはならない。忠誠の宣誓を免除された生徒は、他人が忠誠の宣誓を暗誦している間、静かに立っているかもしくは着席し、忠誠の宣誓を暗誦している他人に対して中断させたり気を散らせたりするような表現を行ってはならない。 教師や他の学校職員は、宗教、信条その他の理由で反対する場合、その行為の指導また行為への参加を、生徒同様に免除される。もし教師が宣誓を指導しないことを選んだ場合、クラスを指導するために、他の適切な人物がその教師または校長によって任命されなければならない。


10-230 - Flags in schoolrooms and schools. Policy on the reciting of the "Pledge of Allegiance"

(c) Each local and regional board of education shall develop a policy to ensure that time is available each school day for students in the schools under its jurisdiction to recite the "Pledge of Allegiance". The provisions of this subsection shall not be construed to require any person to recite the "Pledge of Allegiance".

〔訳〕10-230 - 教室と学校における国旗 忠誠の宣誓暗誦の規定
