

Q 国歌を歌うのは国際常識だよね?
A そうでもないです。例えばスイスでは国歌を歌えない人が多いそうです。
「2000年に『Coop』誌が独語州と仏語州で行った世論調査の結果、スイス国歌の歌詞を見ないで歌える人は事実上ゼロだった。特に、15才から29才までの国民で歌詞を覚えているのは1%だ」(スイス公共放送協会国際部 2002-07-31 18:00)

国歌が奏でる不協和音2011-07-30 15:00 
しかし先月、市場調査企業デモスコープ(DemoSCOPE)が行った電話調査では、回答者の約半数、44%が国歌の1番の歌詞を知らないことが明らかになった。 スイスインフォが知人や友人に行ったアンケートでも、ほとんどのスイス人が歌詞のごく一部、せいぜい1番しか知らないことが分かった。

2005年7月3日付USAトゥディ紙記事「Oh, say can you sing the anthem right?」

In a Harris Interactive survey last year, 61% of American adults polled said they knew all the song's words. But only 39% could correctly finish the line, "Whose broad stripes and bright stars ... " with " ... through the perilous fight."
〔訳〕昨年のハリス・インタラクティブの調査では、61%のアメリカ成人は国歌の歌詞を覚えてると言ったが、"Whose broad ... " の続きをちゃんと " ... perilous fight."と言えたのは39㌫だけだった。
Oh, say can you see, by the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight.
O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there,
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave.
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Overall, 68% say they know the first verse of the British national anthem off by heart while 26% do not and 5% are unsure. Younger British people, however, are considerably less patriotic when it comes to God Save the Queen. While 89% of over-60s could recite the first verse, only 44% of 18-24s could – as many as could not (43%). Additionally, 13% of the younger generation are unsure if they know the first verse of the anthem while only 1% of 60 pluses don’t know.
Asked when the last time they sung the national anthem was, 86% of the oldest generation choose some point between ‘in the last month’ and ‘more than a few years ago’, while only 4% choose ‘never’. But for the youngest generation, only 52% say they have sung God Save the Queen at some point in their lives while over a quarter (28%) say they never have.

〔訳〕 全体では、68%が英国国歌の一番の歌詞を暗記して知っていると答え、一方26%が知らない、5%が分からないと答えた。しかし若いイギリス人では、こと国歌ゴッド・セイブ・ザ・クイーンの話になると、かなり愛国的ではない。60歳以上の89%が一番を暗唱できた一方で、18-24歳ではたった44%であり、同数の43%が暗唱できなかった。加えて、13%の若者は1番の歌詞を知っているか分からない。60歳以上ではたった1%なのに対して。

雑誌Daheimの為に世論調査員が行った投票で、なんとドイツ国民の半数以上が『ドイツ国歌を覚えていない。』との結果が発表された。雑誌Daheimの世論調査員であるEmnidによって行われた調査によると、ドイツ国民のたった47%しか国歌をちゃんと歌うことが出来ないという結果が出た。…また、詳しい結果ではドイツ西部の人々の51%が国歌を歌えると答えたのに対し、以前「東ドイツ」であったドイツ東部の1/3の人々だけが国歌を歌えると答えた。(Techinsight Japan2009年07月21日11時00分)

2010年5月12日付「Majority of Canadian students don’t know the national anthem: UVic study」

Dr. Mary Kennedy, an associate professor of music education at the university, surveyed 275 high school choir students from all six provinces 
to find out just how many knew the national anthem perfectly.
The results showed 67% of all students flubbed the lyrics two times or less. And 46% didn’t completely know the tune, making an average of two mistakes or fewer.
Ms. Kennedy called the results “discouraging” — especially because the students were enrolled in singing classes.
“What might this say of other students who do not sing in school choirs?” she said.

Here’s the ranking of proficiency in all provinces:
For lyrics:
Newfoundland, 87%
Alberta, 83%
British Columbia, 76%
Ontario, 65%
Manitoba, 57%
Quebec, 36%
For melody:
Manitoba, 62%
Newfoundland, 60%
Ontario, 50%
Alberta, 39%
Quebec, 28%
British Columbia, 27%
〔訳〕ビクトリア大学准教授で音楽教育が専門のMary Kennedy博士は、どれ程の生徒が国歌を完全に知っているかを明確にしようと、6州275人の合唱隊の高校生を調査した。
ニューファンドランド州, 87%
アルバータ州, 83%
ブリティッシュ・コロンビア州, 76%
オンタリオ州, 65%
マニトバ州, 57%
ケベック州, 36%
マニトバ州, 62%
ニューファンドランド州, 60%
オンタリオ州, 50%
アルバータ州, 39%
ケベック州, 28%
ブリティッシュ・コロンビア州, 27%

2012年8月22日付記事「Only Half of Russians Know National Anthem」

Although only 49 percent of Russians know the words to the national anthem, that is still 10 percentage points higher than in 2009, the state-run VTsIOM pollster said in a survey on Wednesday.The number of those who can recall the first lines of Russia’s national anthem has risen from 39 percent in 2009 to 49 percent in 2012. A total of 32 percent do not remember the text of the anthem. Most of them are elderly Russians (44 percent),” VTsIOM said.


ベルギーで建国記念日の21日、次期首相として組閣要請を受けているキリスト教民主フランドル党(CD&V)のイブ・ルテルム(Yves Leterme)党首が、公共放送の取材に対して何の祝日かを答えられず、またベルギー国歌を歌うよう求められてフランス国歌を歌った。
 …国歌を知っているかと問われ、2、3小節を歌うよう求められると、同氏はほほ笑みながらフランスの国歌「ラ・マルセイエーズ(La Marseillaise)」の冒頭部分を歌い始めた。記者に、本当にそれがベルギー国歌「ラ・ブラバンソンヌ(La Brabanconne)」の歌詞だと思っているのかと問われると「分からない」と答えた。



2010年6月11日付記事「W杯開幕、南ア国歌を「歌えない」国民たち その複雑な背景」



A サッカーのフランス代表アネルカはこう言ったそうです。
2010年12月7日付デイリーメイル紙記事「Chelsea's Nicolas Anelka slams French racists, claiming he has had ' nothing but trouble」

'I have never wanted to sing the national anthem with France. Had they insisted I’d have refused, and quit playing for them. 

2010年6月3日付「For German Soccer, a Lyric Debate」
Germany's national soccer team has run into a dust-up over the refusal of some of its players to sing the country's national anthem…The national team's coach, Jogi Löw, weighed in Wednesday, declaring to the tabloid that he wouldn't force players to sing if they didn't want to."Our boys identify totally with the national team and Germany, but one also has to consider their heritage," he was quoted as saying. 

Q 知ってます。エジルが国歌じゃなくコーラン唱えてるとかいうやつだよね。でもその人たちは移民だったりするからでしょ。
A 実はフランスのプラティニも歌わなかった一人ですが、アネルカ発言の後こう言ってます。
2010年12月8日付「French World Cup fiasco still irks Platini」

After Anelka said last week he never wanted to sing the national anthem, Platini added he did not sing it either when he was a player."I never sang the Marseillaise and yet I love France," Platini said. "This is a warrior anthem which has nothing to do with the play and the joy of football."
My Faith: Why I don't sing the 'Star Spangled Banner'… I love my country, but I sing my loyalty and pledge my allegiance to Jesus alone. 
〔訳〕「私の信条 どうして国歌を歌わないのか…私はこの国を愛している。しかし私が忠誠を歌い誓うのは神に対してだけだ。

Goshen College, my alma mater, made national news this month when its board of directors decided that the “Star SpangledBanner” would not be played before athletic events. 
〔訳〕私の母校Goshen Collegeが、スポーツイベントの際国歌をやらないと理事会が決めて、今月の全国ニュースになった。

2010年6月2日付「Why the Flyers Don't Play the National Anthem」

Philadelphia has been playing "God Bless America" since 1973…Tension over the Vietnam war had fans leaving their seats for the Star Spangled Banner, so the Flyers owner started playing a recording of Smith singing God Bless America instead. 

2002年5月19日付記事「Stars Refuse To Sing National Anthem」

 Stars singing at the Queen's Golden Jubilee concert at Buckingham Palace have steadfastly refused to sing the national anthem. Palace courtiers had asked for a collective rendition of God Save The Queen - but the performers refused the request for the £4 million open-air pop concert on June 3.
 "I wouldn't mind but it is such a crap tune. It's a dirge. There were more than a few raised eyebrows at the Palace, but I just wanted to laugh," one rock veteran told The Mail On Sunday.・・・
 The line-up of performers includes; Paul McCartney, Cliff Richard, Blue, Atomic Kitten, Will Young and Ozzy Osbourne and Eric Clapton.


A スコットランド人は英国国歌が嫌いで、今の曲がいいと言う人は11%だけらしいです。
2011年9月11日付スコティッシュ・エクスプレス紙の記事「It's flower of Scotland over God Save the Queen
The Sunday Express poll found 60 per cent of people want Flower of Scotland as the national anthem, with Scotland The Brave behind in a distant second place with 19 per cent. A total of just 11 per cent opted for God Save The Queen with the same number of people offering their own suggestions.

A 君が代歌いたくない人もそういう事情かもしれません。

Q 日本人が国歌を大声で歌わないのは日教組の反日教育のせいだ。世界ではありえない。
A そうでしょうか?前述のドイツ代表の記事にこうあります
The lack of moving lips might have gone unnoticed by most Germans, who since World War II have remained largely dispassionate, and even shy, about most overtly patriotic gestures.

A 海外では国歌へのブーイングはよくあるようです。
審判のコッリーナを先頭に選手が入場。国歌斉唱ではイングランドサポーターの大合唱! アルゼンチンの国歌斉唱では大ブーイング。でもこれはやめて欲しいなぁ。サッカーと関係ないやん。 その国自体を否定してるようで好きじゃない。  




2006年5月14日付記事「Sharks fans boo 'O Canada' before Game 5 vs. Oilers」

San Jose Sharks fans loudly booed the Canadian national anthem Sunday night before Game 5 of their team's second-round playoff series with the Edmonton Oilers. 



サッカーのトルコvsスイス戦 スイス国歌に対するブーイングが凄い

メキシコ・アステカスタジアム ブーイングとホーンで米国国歌が聞こえない

Q それらは相手国歌へのブーイングでしょ。自国国歌じゃない。
A 自国国歌へのブーイングもあります。スコットランド代表は元々英国国歌「ゴッド・セイブ・ザ・クイーン」を使ってましたが、何と味方からのブーイングがひどいので曲を変えたそうです。
God Save The Queen was previously used as the Scottish team's anthem, but it was replaced during the 1970s due to consistent booing at matches. Scotland the Brave was initially used as a replacement, with Flower of Scotland being commonly used since 1990.
「ゴッド・セイブ・ザ・クイーン」は以前スコットランド代表の国歌で使われていたが、しかし1970年代に、「一貫した」ブーイングのせいで曲を変えられた。当初は代替曲として「Scotland the Brave」が使われていたが、1990年代以降は「Flower of Scotland」が広く使われるようになった。

「論座」98年9月号 特集・ワールドカップをわたしはこう見た
千田 善



2002年5月15日付「第62回 2001-02フランス・サッカー・フィナーレ(7) シラク大統領退席、ロリアン初タイトル」




San Francisco 49ers fans showed their true colors by booing New York Giants players as they appeared on the stadium Jumbotron…while Kristin Chenoweth sang the National Anthem.


She half-forgets the lyrics. . She completely botches the last note. And she does it all with the swagger of something who believes she's positively killing it. When a chorus of boos erupts at the end, it's far too little, too late.



Q 自国の国歌に敬意を払えない人は他国の国歌にも敬意を払えない!
A 君が代強制派がよく言いますねその理屈。幾つか例を挙げます。
竹内行夫最高裁判事 2011年判決の補足意見


参院・国旗及び国歌に関する特別委員会 1999年8月3日 高橋史朗参考人(明星大)


参院本会議 1999年7月28日 自由党・星野朋市氏

参院・文教科学委員会 2009年11月17日 自民党・橋本聖子議員


John Mason, Chairman of the Manchester United supporters club, believes singing the anthem is not as important as Wayne's performance on the pitch.
"Its unfair to single out Wayne for not singing," he said."Personally I would like him to sing but it doesn't mean he's not patriotic if he doesn't."
He tries just as hard for England as he does for United, its certainly not a question of whether he cares or not. 
"What he does on the pitch is surely the most important thing."
An FA spokesperson said: "Whether a player wishes to sing the national anthem or not is purely a personal choice.
"The reasons behind Wayne Rooney's decision not to sing is down to him.
"We know that every player certainly does care passionately and has enormous pride playing for England."

The soccer association says it discussed singing the anthem with the national players but doesn't require them to sing."We're happy if they do, but it's up to them," a spokesman says.
・・・While defender Dennis Aogo, who has a Nigerian father and German mother, doesn't typically sing, striker Miroslav Klose, who was born in Poland and whose father is ethnic German, has been joining in. Explaining to Bild, Mr. Aogo said, "It's a personal matter. I'm still proud that I can play for my country, even if I don't sing the anthem."

Some Belgian commentators said Leterme's ignorance was a healthy sign of a nation free of nationalism. "I can understand why some people think it is ridiculous," said Bernard Bulcke, the European correspondent for De Standaard, the leading Flemish newspaper. "But one must remember that Belgium was an artificial construction, we have been invaded throughout our history by other powers and created by them. Maybe it is positive that nationalism doesn't exist in Belgium. So we can't sing the national anthem. Who cares?"
〔訳〕ベルギーのコメンテーターたちは、(次期首相のルテルム氏が)国歌を知らないのは、国家がナショナリズムと無縁であり健全な証だと述べた。「それ(次期首相が国歌を知らないこと)がおかしいと思う人がいるのは理解できる。」フラマン語の一流紙De Standaardの特派員Bernard Bulckeは言った。「しかし忘れてはならないのは、ベルギーとは人工的な構造であり、つまり我々は歴史を通して強国に侵略され、彼らの影響を受けてきた。ベルギーにナショナリズムが存在しないのは多分疑う余地が無い。だから我々は国歌を歌えない。そんなこと誰が気にするんだ?」



121A.11Subd. 3.Pledge of Allegiance.

(a) All public and charter school students shall recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America one or more times each week. The recitation shall be conducted:

(1) by each individual classroom teacher or the teacher's surrogate; or

(2) over a school intercom system by a person designated by the school principal or other person having administrative control over the school.A local school board or a charter school board of directors may annually, by majority vote, waive this requirement.

(b) Any student or teacher may decline to participate in recitation of the pledge.

〔訳〕121A.11Subd. 3. 忠誠の宣誓

(a) 全公立学校またはチャータースクール生徒は、週一回もしくはそれ以上、米国国旗に向かい忠誠の宣誓を暗誦しなければならない。この暗誦は以下の通り行われねばならない。

(1) 各クラス担任かその代理によって、もしくは

(2) 校内の内線を使い、校長もしくは学校運営管理権をもつその他の人間によって指名された人間によって行われる。公立学校またはチャータースクールの理事会は、毎年行われる多数決に従い、この義務を実行しないことも可能である。

(b) どの生徒または教師も、忠誠の宣誓暗誦への参加を拒否することができる。

AS 14.03.130. Display of Flags and Pledge of Allegiance.

(b) A school district shall inform all affected persons at the school of their right not to participate in the pledge of allegiance. The exercise of the right not to participate in the pledge of allegiance may not be used to evaluate a student or employee or for any other purpose.

〔訳〕AS 14.03.130.国旗掲揚と忠誠の宣誓



20-7-133. Pledge of allegiance required -- exemption for students and teachers.

(4) A school district shall inform all students and teachers of their right to not participate in recitation of the pledge.Any student or teacher who, for any reason, objects to participating in the pledge exercise must be excused from participation. A student or teacher who declines to participate in the pledge may engage in any alternative form of conduct so long as that conduct does not materially or substantially disrupt the work or discipline of the school.

(5)If a student or teacher declines to participate in the recitation of the pledge pursuant to this section, a school district may not for evaluation purposes include any reference to the student's or teacher's not participating.




(c)Each county board shall:

(3)Require all students and teachers in charge to stand and face the flag and while standing give an approved salute and recite in unison the pledge of allegiance as follows: “I pledge(以下宣誓文言省略)”

(d)Any student or teacher who wishes to be excused from the requirements of subsection (c)(3) of this section shall be excused.


(3)全生徒と担任教師に対し、起立し国旗を向き立ったまま敬礼を行い、以下の忠誠の誓いを斉唱することを義務づけなければならない。“I pledge(以下宣誓文言省略)”


SEC. 37-13-6.

(2)Any student or teacher who objects to reciting the oath of allegiance shall be excused from participating without penalty.


6-16-108. Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

(2)(A) Provide that no student shall be compelled to recite the Pledge of Allegiance if the student or the student's parent or legal guardian objects to the student's participating in the exercise on religious, philosophical, or other grounds.

(B) Students who are exempt from reciting the Pledge of Allegiance under subdivision (2)(A) of this section shall be required to remain quietly standing or sitting at their desks while others recite the Pledge of Allegiance;

(3)(A) Provide that teachers or other school staff who have religious, philosophical, or other grounds for objecting are exempt from leading or participating in the exercise.

(B)If a teacher chooses not to lead the Pledge of Allegiance, the policy shall require that another suitable person shall be designated either by the teacher or principal to lead the lass;






§ 49-6-1001

(c)(1) At the time designated for the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, students shall stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance while facing the flag with their right hands over their hearts or in an appropriate salute if in uniform; provided, however,that no student shall be compelled to recite the Pledge of Allegiance if the student or the student's parent or legal guardian objects on religious, philosophical or other grounds to the student participating in such exercise. Students who are thus exempt from reciting the pledge of allegiance shall remain quietly standing or sitting at their desks while others recite the Pledge of Allegiance and shall make no display that disrupts or distracts others who are reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Teachers or other school staff who have religious,philosophical or other grounds for objecting are likewise exempt from leading or participating in the exercise. If a teacher chooses not to lead the Pledge, another suitable person shall be designated either by the teacher or principal to lead the class.


(c)(1)忠誠の宣誓暗誦のための指定された時間に、生徒は起立し、国旗を向いて右手を胸に当て、又は制服の場合は適当な敬礼を行いながら、忠誠の誓いを暗誦しなければならない。しかし、もし生徒やその親または法的後見人が、宗教や信条その他の理由でこのような行為への参加に反対する場合、どの生徒も忠誠の宣誓を強制されてはならない。忠誠の宣誓を免除された生徒は、他人が忠誠の宣誓を暗誦している間、静かに立っているかもしくは着席し、忠誠の宣誓を暗誦している他人に対して中断させたり気を散らせたりするような表現を行ってはならない。 教師や他の学校職員は、宗教、信条その他の理由で反対する場合、その行為の指導また行為への参加を、生徒同様に免除される。もし教師が宣誓を指導しないことを選んだ場合、クラスを指導するために、他の適切な人物がその教師または校長によって任命されなければならない。


10-230 - Flags in schoolrooms and schools. Policy on the reciting of the "Pledge of Allegiance"

(c) Each local and regional board of education shall develop a policy to ensure that time is available each school day for students in the schools under its jurisdiction to recite the "Pledge of Allegiance". The provisions of this subsection shall not be construed to require any person to recite the "Pledge of Allegiance".

〔訳〕10-230 - 教室と学校における国旗 忠誠の宣誓暗誦の規定





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